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Episode 3: X = Spear Phishing

... I have seen an organization infiltrated. This is what happened. The phisherman found the company’s website, which handily had the names, positions, and email addresses of everyone on their staff. They targeted multiple employees who would be in a position to request and make a wire transfer. They sent these upper management employees an Email purporting to be from their cloud email hosting service, saying it was time to change their password. The link the employees followed took them to a webpage that was convincing enough that the employees who fell for it entered their old passwords and, quote-unquote, made a new one. ...
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Episode 2: X = Artificial Intelligence

For our second installment, I present The Thing About Artificial Intelligence, or The 8-minute War. Enjoy. Someone was at his front door. He threw off his blanket and sat up. The lights in the room slowly illuminated. Lux anticipated the question. “It’s your neighbor, Janette. It is 4:38am. I recommend ignoring it.”
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I should have invested when I was young.

Episode 1: X = Vampires

Look. Vampires aren’t real. There’s no way there is an immortal subset of humanity that’s living in perpetual darkness and feeding on a new human every night. It’s absurd. Let’s do the math.
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What is this?

The Thing About X is about taking something(X) in culture and over-thinking it. Then, after it's been thought to death, I create some kind of essay, short story, podcast, or whatever. They'll mostly be podcasts.

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